How to Repost A Story to Instagram?

Instagram stories are a very wonderful way in which people can share their real-life activities with their friends and other people. Instagram stories have a 24-hour timeline which means that your Instagram stories will disappear after you have posted them after 24 hours and you can also tag other people in Instagram stories. 

But, what if someone shared a story that you want to share on your Instagram story too? This is very simple as you can very easily repost an Instagram story however, if you do not know then, here we are going to tell you how to repost a story on instagram

How Can You Repost An Instagram Story?

It is not very difficult to know how do you repost someone’s story on instagram and if you are not familiar with the process then, you can simply use the instructions that we are giving here. 

In order to share an Instagram story on the application, you need to be mentioned in the story or the post that the other person has posted and if you are sure that the person has tagged you then, you will be able to see the option to share the story when you open the other person’s story. Click on the option that says “Add this to your story” and after this, the story will be uploaded to your Instagram account. 

This is the easiest method that you can use when you want to know how to repost someone’s story on your Instagram account without any issues. 

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